Topics presented
Presence sheet
21 January 2014 |
- Summary of mini-review (9/12/2013) of MKI upgrades during LS1 (M.J. Barnes)
- LSA settings cleaning and new API (J. Wenninger)
- OP organization for the 'Dry' commissioning (J. Wenninger)
28 January 2014
- Update on emittance analysis (M. Kuhn)
- Lifetimes in Stable Beams revisited (M. Lamont)
- Preparation for restart: work and topics outline (G. Arduini and J. Wenninger)
11 February 2014 |
- LHC UPS System and Configurations: Changes During the LS1 (V. Chareyre)
- Orbit Correction: References, functions and more (J. Wennninger)
25 February 2014
- Report on second TN disconnection test of January 28th 2014 (A. Bland)
- LHC collimation system for the startup in 2015 (B. Salvachua Ferrando)
- Update estimates of collimator settings and beta* for the startup after LS1 (R. Bruce)
11 March 2014
- Transverse instability observation triggering network (D. Valuch, T. Wlostowski)
- Transverse instability observation (D. Valuch)
25 March 2014
- Electron cloud vacuum instrumentation and solenoids (V. Baglin)
- Dedicated injection from the SPS and transfer line powering (V. Kain)
- Recommendations from collective effects considerations for the LHC 2015 run (E. Mètral)
8 April 2014
- Injector beam requirements and options (G. Rumolo)
- Beta* leveling scenarios and implementation (A. Gorzawski)
15 April 2014
- IR4 changes of optics: implications on beam size measurements (G. Trad)
- PU choices for ADT: Plans for Run 2 (W. Hoefle)
- Optics for the 2015 Pb-Pb run (J. Jowett)
29 April 2014
- Optics options after LS1 (S. Fartoukh)
6 May 2014 |
- Beam induced heat load on LHC cryogenic; tools for operation (S. Popescu)
- Estimates for Beta-beating at 6.5-7 TeV (A.S. Langner)
27 May 2014 |
- Recommendation for beam-beam separation (T. Pieloni)
- Preliminary list of beam measurements during commissioning (S. Redaelli)
8 July 2014 |
- Cycles and pre-cycles definitions for 2015 (E. Todesco)
15 July 2014 |
- ADT re-commissioning after LS1 (D. Valuch)
- Injection System Commissioning: Tests and Beam-(Time) Requirements (W. Bartmann)
29 July 2014 |
- LHC RF re-commissioning for run 2 (P. Baudrenghien)
- Emittance measurements setting-up and cross calibrations (F. Roncarolo)
List |
26 August 2014 |
- Optics measurements and corrections for commissioning (R. Tomas Garcia)
- Aperture measurement plan (S. Redaelli)
9 September 2014 |
- Commissioning requirements for trajectory, orbit and tune measurements (T. Lefevre)
- Wrap up of LMC optics and beta* (J. Wenninger)
21 October 2014 |
- Transfer Line tests planning (V. Kain)
- Status of the fault tracking tools (C. Roderick)
28 October 2014 |
- Analysis of the LHC injection tunes during Run1 (R. De Maria)
- Heat load analysis for inner triplet and stand alone modules (G. Iadarola)
25 November 2014 |
- Beam offset control during beta* leveling (A. Gorzawski)
- TL test summary (V. Kain)
- Automated & fast BPM & COD quality check (J. Wenninger)
- Overcoming 60A orbit corrector trips (J. Wenninger)
9 December 2014 |
- Beam observation with the ATLAS BCM (M. Huhtinen)
- Analysis of the TL test results (W. Bartmann)
- Kicker waveform, SPS and transfer lines stability (L. Drosdal)
16 December 2014 |
- Beam observation with ALFA (S. Jakobsen)
- First results from BPM response with doublet beams (T. Lefevre)