Topics presented
Presence sheet
20 January 2015 |
- Luminosity, beam loss, and emittance growth revisited again (M. Lamont)
- Status of optics for 2015 (R. De Maria)
- Status of 2015 optics in LSA (J. Wenninger)
3 February 2015 |
- Building a Luminosity model for the LHC and HL-LHC (F. Antoniou)
- Secondary beam losses in Pb-Pb operation in 2011 and perspective for 2015 (M. Schaumann)
- Considerations on ALICE BCM dump thresholds for RUN 2 (A. Di Mauro)
17 February 2015 |
- Emittance Measurement Preparation during LHC Commissioning (M. Kuhn)
- Status of optics and cycles in LSA (J. Wenninger)
24 February 2015 |
- Planning of the sector test (R. Alemany)
- Status of dry runs & machine checkout (R. Alemany and J. Wenninger)
10 March 2015 |
- Brief summary of the sector test (V. Kain)
- IP1, IP2, IP5 and IP8 crossing angle recommendations (T. Pieloni)
- Beam-based Modelling (P. Skowronski)
17 March 2015 |
- Machine Check-out status and plan (J. Wenninger)
- Update on faster ramp-down (M. Solfaroli Camillocci)
- Status of Beam Instrumentation (E. Bravin)
- Status of collimator commissioning (B. Salvachua Ferrando)
14 April 2015 |
- Beam dumps at 6.5 TeV (J. Wenninger)
- LHC configuration (J. Wenninger)
- Commissioning status of RF (P. Baudrenghien)
- First optics results (T. Persson)
21 April 2015 |
- Status of emittance measurements (E. Bravin)
- Status of wire-scanner and k-modulation (M. Kuhn)
5 May 2015 |
- Beam transfer function measurements (T. Pieloni)
- Proposal for margin allocations for 2015 startup at 80cm (S. Redaelli)
19 May 2015 |
- Status of Collimation at 450 GeV (G. Valentino)
- Investigation of Unidentified Lying Object in C15R8 (D. Mirarchi)
26 May 2015 |
- Monitoring with BSRT (G. Trad)
- MPS considerations and intensity ramp up (D. Wollmann)
- Monitoring of heat load (J. Wenninger)
- Scrubbing run planning (G. Iadarola)
2 June 2015 |
- Injection considerations - MKI TDI (C. Bracco)
- Vacuum considerations (G. Bregliozzi, C. Yin Vallgren)
- Cryo considerations (L. Tavian)
- Stable phase shift measurement (E. Shaposhnikova)
16 June 2015 |
- Chromaticity and b3: decay, snapback & flat top (M. Solfaroli Camillocci)
- Chromaticity Reprocessing: Fill 3806 (L. Carver)
- Overview of aperture measurements (P. Hermes)
23 June 2015 |
- Doublet beams in the LHC: BPM system (T. Lefevre)
- Doublet beams in the LHC: RF (H. Tinko)
- Doublet beam injection (W. Bartmann)
30 June 2015 |
- ADT damping times (W. Hofle)
- Summary of the 50 ns scrubbing run (G. Iadarola)
07 July 2015 |
- Tune decay and snapback (M. Schaumann)
- Fixed Displays for the follow-up of the beam-induced RF heating (B. Salvant)
28 July 2015 |
- LHC emittance measurements and preservation (M. Kuhn)
- Observations from OP extended luminosity scans (M. Hostettler)
- A first look at the 2015 fault statistics (A. Apollonio)
18 August 2015 |
- Overview on LHC Scrubbing Run 2 (H. Bartosik)
- Chromaticity correction without RCS.A78B2 (M. Solfaroli)
1 September 2015 |
- Summary of instability observations at injection (K. Li)
- Summary of instability observations at flat top and beginning of squeeze, i.e. without beam-beam (L.R. Carver)
- Summary of instability observations at end of squeeze and after, i.e. with beam-beam (T. Pieloni )
8 September 2015 |
- Cryo availability for operation and scubbing (G. Ferlin)
- Proposal for an ion squeeze (M. Schaumann)
- Status and prospects for the RF phase measurements (J. Esteban Muller)
22 September 2015 |
- First experience with the Q1 DOROS BPMs (A. Gorzawski)
- Observation of ground motion in the LHC at the triplet (M. Fitterer)
- Status of the instability trigger (T. Levens)
6 October 2015 |
- Update on beam size measurements from OP scans (M. Hostettler)
- Observations of instabilities during OP scans (T. Pieloni)
- Margins to increase ADT gain at injection (W. Hofle)
- Exploration of Q' and octupole settings at injection (L. Carver)
13 October 2015
- On possible sources of luminosity differences between ATLAS and CMS (R. Tomas)
- Crossing angles from K-modulation (J. Wenninger)
- Longitudinal instability due to bunch shortening in long fills (J. Esteban Muller)
27 October 2015
- Update on crossing angles in IR1 and IR5 (J. Wenninger)
- Configuration for the 2.51 TeV pp reference run
- Effect of the e-cloud on the tune footprint at 450 GeV (A. Romano)
- Beam induced RF heating in LHC in 2015 (B. Salvant)
24 November 2015
- Updated results on triplet k-modulation (M. Kuhn)
- Beta* correction strategies (T. Persson)
- First observations with ADT obsbox (L. Carver)
8 December 2015
- LBS summary (R.Alemany)
- ADT parameter extraction: an alternative approach (G.Kotzian)