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Topics presented
Presence sheet
2 February 2016 |
- Luminosity, beam loss, and emittance growth in 2015 pp running (M. Lamont)
- Beam lifetime in 2015 pp running (B. Salvachua)
- Overview of the configuration for 2016 (J. Wenninger)
- Chromaticity and B3 persistent current in the Fidel Model (E. Todesco)
23 February 2016
- Possible changes in precycle strategy (M. Solfaroli)
8 March 2016
- Schedule and status (J. Wenninger)
- Squeeze to 40 cm with phase constraints (R. De Maria)
- First look at LHC cycle (J. Wenninger)
22 March 2016
- Update on IT movement in IR8 (J. Wenninger)
- Update on b3 hysterisis compensation (E. Todesco)
- Linear coupling and LHC beam stability (L. Carver)
- Stability margins (N. Biancacci)
- Update on BPM calibration (A. Sounas)
05 April 2016 |
- 2016 optics measurements and corrections (T. Persson)
- Reference orbit and k-modulation (J. Wenninger)
26 April 2016
- Results of pre-cycle test to 3.5 TeV (M. Solfaroli Camillocci)
- Coupling along the cycle with the BBQ (R. Jones, J. Wenninger)
03 May 2016
- New reference orbit system for orbit feedback (A. Calia, J. Wenninger)
- Tune footprint viewer (X. Buffat)
- Fixed displays for heat load from impedance and synchrotron radiation (X. Buffat)
24 May 2016
- Coupling measurement and correction with multi-turn data (T. Persson)
- ADT operation. A cook book of black magic (D. Valuch)
7 June 2016
- Instability observations in stable beams (X. Buffat)
- IT movements, ATLAS luminosity and orbit (J. Wenninger)
21 June 2016
- Requirements/request on bunch length control by LHCb (P. Robbe)
- TCSG impedance: measurements vs. predictions (N. Biancacci)
- Lifetime during the squeeze (J. Wenninger)
16 August 2016
- Further observations with the ADTObsBox (L. Carver)
- BBLR studies and possible reduction of the crossing angle: simulations (D. Pellegrini)
- BBLR studies and possible reduction of the crossing angle: machine results (T. Pieloni)
- Coherent stability with a reduced crossing angle (X. Buffat, C. Tambasco)
23 August 2016
- BLM loss plane decomposition and off-momentum feedback in FESA (M.Wyszynski)
- Update on Landau octupoles settings at injection (K.Li)
6 September 2016
- New beam excitation possibilities with ADT (D. Valuch)
- First OP experience with longitudinal flattening in physics (H. Timko)
- Tune shift along the batches at injection and estimate of
the electron cloud density (L. Carver)
- Implementation of crossing angle reduction (J. Wenninger)
20 September 2016
- Diamond BLM status and future (F. Burkart)
- Ion ramps and squeezes (J. Wenninger)
27 September 2016
- LHC availability until TS2 (A. Apollonio)
- Emittance comparison of BSRT, emittance scans and LHCb VELO (M. Hostettler)
- Emittance preservation observation and first comparison against models (G. Iadarola)
18 October 2016
- Triplet alignment with beam (J. Wenninger)
- News on stability margins from MD4 (L. Carver)
- Beam losses during ADJUST (B. Salvachua)
1 November 2016
- Crossing and beta* levelling options (J. Wenninger)
- LHC Luminosity Server - status and (levelling) plans (M. Hostettler)
- Results from separation levelling and stability tests (X. Buffat)