6 February 2018 |
- Configuration of machine and first commissioning plans (J. Wenninger)
- OMC commissioning plans (E. Maclean)
- Results on UFO dynamics from 16L2 events
13 March 2018 |
- Commissioning plan updates (J. Wenninger)
- Status and plans for the BGV (S. Vlachos)
13 March 2018 |
- Commissioning plan updates (J. Wenninger)
- Status and plans for the BGV (S. Vlachos)
20 March 2018 |
- Beta* leveling implementation proposal (A. Calia)
- Update on the startup (J. Wenninger)
27 March 2018 |
- Destabilising effect of the LHC transverse damper (E. Metral)
- Instability latency : Observations, possible explanations and future tests (X. BUffat)
- Triggering of instability by BTF measurements (C. Tambasco)
17 April 2018 |
- Experience with beta* levelling (A. Calia)
- Correction of the crossing angle dispersion (T. Persson)
- Beam quality degradation due to ADT-AC dipole excitation (X. Buffat)
24 April 2018 |
- Introduction to the new MD tool (B. Urbaniec)
- Issue with beta* measurement using K_modulation (M. Hofer)
- Interaction region BPM calibration (A. Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso)
- Correcting a4 with resonance driving terms (F. Carlier)
- Full automatic alignement of LHC collimators (G. Azzopardi)
30 April 2018 |
- Summary of 16L2 tests at injection (G. Iadarola)
- Loss analysis for the dumps and UFOs at 16L2 (A. Lechner)
- Steady state losses at 16L2 and external fields (D. Mirarchi)
- Coherent motion during 16L2 events (X. Buffat)
15 May 2018 |
- Bunch by bunch losses during the squeeze and stable beams (G. iadarola)
- Analysis of the emittance through the cycle (N. Karastathis)
- Emittances in stable beam (M. Hostettler)
- Observations of instabilities and margins for optimisation (X. Buffat)
29 May 2018 |
- Amplitude detuning measurement during 2018 commissioning (E. Maclean)
- Tune scans and beams lifetime in Stable Beams (N. Karastathis)
- BSRT calibration results (G. Trad)
17 July 2018 |
- Update on lifetime during the squeeze (G. Iadarola)
- BSRT re-calibration results (G. Trad)
- ADT bandwidth tests (X. Buffat)
31 July 2018 |
- Progress on the understanding of 16L2 events (L. Mether)
- Summary and status of the high beta runs (H. Burkhardt)
- ALICE and LHCb spectrometer bumps
7 August 2018 |
- Observation of HL-LHC CE vibrations on the beam (M. Schaumann)
- Analysis and observation of 50 Hz harmonics (G. Sterbini)
- Update on instabilities at injection (X. Buffat)
4 September 2018 |
- Study of beam lifetime optimisation and injection and ramp (L. Coyle)
- The LHC State Tracke (M. Hostetller)
- Operation with lower RF voltage at injection (H. Timko)
- Low ADT bandwith test (J. Komppula)
18 September 2018 |
- Observation of emittance evolution through the run (S. Papadopoulou)
- Observation of emittance evolution through the run (A. Poyet)
- Progress in 50Hz lines measurement analysis (S. Kostoglou)
02 October 2018 |
- Accelerator failures leading to equipment damage at RHIC, observations and mitigations (A. Drees)
23 October 2018 |
- UFOs in 2018 (A. Lechner)
- Summary of the Low energy high beta run H. Burkhardt)
20 November 2018 |
- Missing luminosity in ALICE (J. Wenninger)
- IR2 optics measurements for the ion run (R. Tomas)
- ALICE effective beta star and non-luminous lifetime (M. Jebramcik)
27 November 2018 |
- Observations of 10 Hz oscillations from beam dumps (J. Wenninger)
- 10 Hz dump observations from ADTObsBox PM (A.Oeftinger)
- OMC observations (W. Dilly)
- Diamod BLM observations (J. Kral)