4 February 2020 |
- Update of the 2021 schedule (B. Peterson)
- Injector restart and ramp up plan (H. Bartosik)
- OP-OMC workshop summary (T. Persson)
25 February 2020 |
- Injection system checkout and beam commissioning (C. Bracco)
- Injector restart and ramp up plan (H. Bartosik)
- LBDS checkout and beam commissioning (V. Senaj)
10 March 2020 |
- Optics for Run 3 and LHCb crossing angle rotation (S. Fartoukh)
- RF system re-commissioning (K. Turaj)
- ADT re-commissioning (D. Valuch)
7 April 2020 |
- Pytimber with NXCALS (R. De Maria)
- Preliminary experience with NXCALS and luminosity data analysis in ABP (G. Sterbini)
- Converting Op JAVA applications to NXCALS (J. Wenninger)
5 May 2020 |
- Magnetic measurements of new 11T dipoles (L. Fiscarelli)
- Expected impact of 11T dipole on beam operation and possible implementation (M. Solfaroli)
- 11T: Expected impact of flux jumps at the start of Run3 and beyond (D. Gamba)
19 May 2020 |
- The collimation system in Run 3 (D. Mirarchi)
- LHC interlocks in Run 3 (I. Ramirez)
26 May 2020 |
- LHC beam emittance measurements in Run 3 (E. Bravin)
- Renovation of LHC beam-based FBs during LS2 (D. Alves)
- Java API and testing of the renovated LHC beam-based FBs (A. Calia)
7 July 2020 |
- LHC schedule update (J. Wenninger)
- Optics repository structure (M.Hostettler)