LBOC Meetings 2023

all meetings on INDICO

Date / Indico Link Topics presented Material
31 January 2023
  • Lifetime analysis across the 2022 cycle (S. Morales)
  • Residual orbit errors in the ramp (J. Wenninger)
  • BSRT calibration and nxcals data (G. Trad)
28 February 2023
  • Commissoning in 2023 (J. Wenninger)
  • Longitudinal diagnostics in 2023 (T. Argyropoulos)
7 March 2023
  • News from the startup (J. Wenninger, M. Solfaroli)
  • Accidental operation of LHCb with beams head-on - risk and mitigations (M. Hostettler)
14 March 2023
  • News from the startup (J. Wenninger, M. Solfaroli)
  • Proposal for changes to the injection optics (K. Parachou)
  • BBLR options for 2023 (G. Sterbini)
21 March 2023
  • Collimation and aperture measurement plans for beam commissioning (F. Van Der Veken)
4 April 2023
  • Injectors proposal on the production scheme for 2023 operational beams (G. Rumolo)
  • Status of the high beta optics (I. Efthymopoulos)
  • Proposal for the ion cycle (R. Bruce)
16 Mai 2023
  • Alice luminosity observations (M. Ivanov )
  • Optics results from the beam commissioning (T. Persson)
  • TDIS temperature and vacuum observations (B. Salvant)
30 Mai 2023
  • Loss maps and loss distribution with the phase knob ( F. Van Der Veken, M. D'Andrea)
  • Debunching rate and bucket size extrapolations from IR3 losses (D. Mirarchi)
  • BPM calibration issue and systematic orbit shifts (J. Wenninger)
20 June 2023
  • PS beam transverse characteristics (A. Huschauer)
  • SPS longitudinal emittance (K. Li)
  • SPS-LHC energy matching and TL momentum (J. Wenninger)
  • Why are B1 losses so high (F. Velotti)
22 August 2023
  • PP reference run configuration (R. Alemany)
  • Recommissioning after ITL8 leak recovery (J. Wenninger, M. Solfaroli)
19 September 2023
  • BPM calibration patterns (A. Boccardi, M. Krupa)
  • Results of the vacuum module Xray campaign ( G. Bregliozzi, J. Sestak)
10 October 2023
  • Repair of beam 1 BBLRs and plans for 2024 (A. Rossi)
7 November 2023
  • Draft LHC 2024 Schedule (J. Wenninger)
  • Experience with the new Wire-scanners prototypes in 2023 (J. Emery)
  • BGC beam size measurement in 2023 (O. Sedlacek)
21 November 2023
  • Overview of “10Hz” orbit oscillation dumps during the ion run (J. Wenninger)
  • Beam loss patterns in ion ramps (S. Morale)
28 November 2023
  • Classification of 10Hz like events in 2023 ion run (D. Mirarchi)
  • Collimator BPM positions in ion ramps (B. Lindstrom)
  • Recall of the "On demand PostMortem" (G. Trad)
  • MQ13.L8 vibration measurements (J. Wenninger)